Simply Blogging for Fun...

Simply Blogging for fun…????

Why blog you ask???  Well, all I can say is, why not?  I’m sure there are a million reasons why not to.  I’m pretty sure I thought of a lot of them as well.  When it came down to it, just having fun with blogging won out for the best reason to go ahead and take a risk.  I find blogging a bit of a discipline builder.  If I can devote every day, or almost every day, to blogging that builds my integrity quotient right?  I originally started the blog just to keep track of the discovery of how to take better pictures with my camera.  I’m still doing that, but I needed to get a bit more organized with my random thoughts.  Seems like an oxymoron, organized random thoughts…what the heck, right?  Oh well, I’m hoping that you’ll enjoy tidbits of moments I share on this blog.  I hope you’ll come back to visit again, and if I’m lucky, you’ll share a thought or two too!  Writing a blog for fun, taking pictures for fun, enjoying discovery of things in life just for fun…that’s what this is all about.  

This blog is about having fun with thoughts and capturing moments that create memories for a lifetime of discovery.   Go out and have some fun discovering life!  Here’s my blog schedule in case you can only visit here one day a week.  Or…if you’re so inclined, follow the blog and visit more often.   

Enjoy ~

2013 New and Updated Schedule - a little more "random" as that fits my goal to keep this fun for me.  If blogging becomes a chore, it is no longer what I intended it to be!

Randomness - Just because, after all this is what this blog is about
Amateur Photography Tips - A "new" camera to discover and master
Nonsense - Life is too short not to have fun
Discovery - "I did not know that" moments
Organizing - Bits of chaos in things and life can always use some tweaking
Motivational - Encouragement to keep pursuing a life of discovery and appreciation

Schedule from previous posts (Aug - November 2012)

Sentimental Sundays
Motivational/Madness Mondays
Tuesday Tips (Photography Tips)
WOW – Words of Wisdom Wednesdays
Thrifty Thursdays
Freshen-up/Freaky Fridays
Silly Saturdays


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