Tuesday, August 28, 2012

On the melancholy of life changes

All changes are more or less tinged with melancholy, for what we are leaving behind is a part of ourselves. – Amelia Barr
Okay, time to accept the fact that I'm entering a new stage in life.  This stage is blessed with something I heard about many times, but thought, nah, it won't be that bad.

I have moments of remembering back to my first pregnancy and all the exciting changes to my body.  Being someone who loves naps, the early tiredness was a great excuse to take lots of naps.  Everything was exciting until it got toward the end of the pregnancy and I couldn't sleep.  People would tell me, "it's just nature's way of preparing you for the sleepless nights taking care of the baby."  Yes, that was true, and I lived through it twice.  They were very tiring times, but I don't regret a minute of those beautiful moments!

Then there was a time of "great rest."  A time when the kids were old enough to go to bed on their own, stay there all night, and they woke up at a decent time in the morning.  Guess that was the stage I was supposed to store up a lot of sleep.

Then they became teenagers with driver's licenses.  Back to the sleepless nights worrying about them and where they were.  When it was too dark outside for me to drive in, that's when they had no fear.   Even though one daughter has moved out and is on her own, I still wonder where she is and pray for her safety.  My youngest is still in the "driving in the dark stage."  I'm always thankful when Copper barks in the night, I know she has arrived home, safe and sound.  I still get up later to make sure her car is in the driveway.

Now...life has thrown me a new stage.  Hot flashes...   There's no way I would take a picture to share of that lovely experience, but they have been plaguing me for a while now.  They seem to be getting more frequent now, even some during the day.  I know it is a normal stage in life.  There's a bit of melancholy to say the least.  They (whoever "they" is) say it's normal to feel fatigue during this stage.  Heck, yeah!  That's because the darn hot flashes wake you up multiple times during the night!  Duh!!

Guess today, I'll be longing for a catnap!  Dessy does it in style!

What??  Cat's are supposed to nap!  Now, put away that camera!

A basket, a perfect place to curl up and nap!

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