Saturday, November 17, 2012

One drawer at a time

If you look at your entire house as one unit of junk, you’ll never do anything because the job is too overwhelming.  Take it one drawer at a time.  – Janet Luhrs
SILLY Saturday 8 of 12 - whew, almost done with this project!  I don't know why I didn't take on a drawer first in this project.  One small area at a time is easier to deal with than the whole room.  I was able to take care of this in one small setting and I'll still have time to conquer more areas today.   Sometimes a quick little kick start project is all you need to get you into action.  A straightened drawer might be just what you need to quickly feel a sense of organization.  An added bonus is when you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, all you need to do is pull open the drawer for a quick reminder you can organize.  Just look how wonderful it is to have everything you need readily at your finger tips!   The tricky part is to be ruthless and keep it organized.  Drawers definitely have the reputation of being the "catch-all" and easily overcome with items that needed quick storage when you didn't really know what to do them!  Don't do it!

Remember the SILLY rules - Don't love it, Don't want it, Don't need it - out it goes!  There was quite the pile of stuff that met the "out it goes" criteria in my drawer.  Wow, I feel like I could run 5 miles with all the energy I feel just getting rid of stuff!  Wonder if my running partner is ready to run in the cool morning fog?  My other rule when working on sorting and organizing - reward yourself with meaningful breaks!

Thanks for stopping by!  Enjoy your Saturday and your organized moments!!

Messy, messy, messy - I never really want
to go in this drawer, it's just a catch-all from years
of throwing stuff in it.

1st step - sort the top layer into like items.
Looks like I have three of the letter openers and
lots of odds and ends.  Love the cute little
tennis shoe eraser (dried out and ready to go in the trash)

2nd layer - time to sort this too and then
remove the dust and paper particles.

Look I even have stamps I rescued from envelopes
32 cent, 33 cent, 34 many years
ago...current price is 45 cents.  SILLY yes!

All organized (a little OCD on the paperclips, sorted
by color my favorite type, then small, then large,
then on to the binder clips).   Never in my
lifetime will I go through that many paper clips,
but they do fit and look nicely organized.

The stuff that has to go elsewhere or be thrown.
There was quite the pile of rubber bands that had
hardened and  are no longer useful.  Two letter
openers can go in the donation box!  The rest of
the stuff was either thrown or stored in their
proper home!

Ah...a frosty morning, calm and just calling me
for a nice run!!!   Yep, a nice reward -
hopefully it will be nice later in the day to
sit on the deck and catch some Vitamin D too!

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