Previous journeys in search of treasure have taught me that a zigzag
strategy is the best way to get ahead. – Tahir Shah
My lesson this past week was to learn about shutter effects. After experimenting on several different days and subjects, I've decided the camera ready settings of "sports" and "landscape" are better at capturing the photos than I am at figuring out how to manually set the camera. While I am getting brave at trying different settings to see what I get, I suspect there are more tricks out there to learn. I also think that for the slower shutter effects, I would benefit from a tripod to steady the camera. The blur factor would definitely diminish some if I did.
The treasures of the auto settings on my camera help me when I'm in doubt. Not unlike my subjects (i.e., pets, moon, birds, etc.) I have zigzagged my way through multiple attempts over the past few months with those settings. Along with the continuous shot mode in the sports setting, it can be quite fun to see what pictures I end up with after the sessions.
Two hummingbirds - captured with the continuous shot, sports setting. |
Shutter speed, a steady hand or a tri-pod, and aim at the subject all help capture the photo you're going for. I attempted to capture Copper running fast in zigzags around our back yard. I held the camera close to the ground to follow him as he ran around me. The "sports" and continuous picture mode helped catch him at random moments. I took 83 photos in our short photo session. Unfortunately when holding the camera close to the ground it focused way too many shots on the grass instead of him. I did end up with a couple noteworthy photos. As I always say, the discovery process is the part I enjoy the most.
Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your zigzag strategies - may you find treasures that help you get ahead in your journey! Next week's lesson - rule of thirds.
Slow trot away from me, isn't that a cute trot? |
Ready set, let's go |
Yikes, here he comes, and I focused on the grass... |
This one is my favorite shot of the day! |
Motion blur, look at his focus though. |
I was moving too fast to catch him. |
I like the contrast and focus on his face. |
Lean into it.... |
Wow, look at how his legs move...and his tail curls under... |
4:00 am moon...I definitely didn't have the shutter speed correct. |
One more attempt, a little better, but still not right. Maybe I should have slept in longer... |
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