When you make a mistake, don’t look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind
and then look forward. Mistakes are
lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be
changed. The future is yet in your
power. – Hugh White
You know those "ah-ha" moments when you just want to bop yourself in the head because you wish you would have seen it coming? Or how about those moments when you wish you would have taken an opportunity when you had the chance but were too scared to take the risk? Or you took the risk and botched it beyond repair? Or how about the times when you've taken the wrong turn because you misread the navigation map on your GPS? Or your decision ultimately hurt someone unintentionally? Or you wish you would have listened to your friend's advice but at that moment in time you chose differently? Or when you clicked "send" on the email and you can't take it back? What a wealth of wisdom you can get from all the mistakes made and risks taken, learning from them and moving forward is what makes it powerful. Sitting in regret is what makes it defeating. The advice in the quote above is motivating. What mistake have you learned from today? The fee has already been paid! So pat yourself on the back and look forward to how you can apply that wisdom.
Remember my "selfies" mission? Looking back at a few from our road trip taken on Father's Day this year, there were plenty of mistakes. My two daughters and I laughed and enjoyed all the mistakes. I was incredibly frustrated with the lack of "good" pictures, they on the other hand had lots of helpful tips for me. Lots of lessons learned. One of these days, I have faith all those lessons will pay off. I know my kids have mastered the "selfies" picture taking. I haven't...maybe, just maybe, the giggles and laughter are the best prize out of the lessons for me after all. I know I treasure every lesson shared with my two beautiful daughters!
Oh...you can so tell that I'm faking this smile! |
Laughter is a good thing! |
Can still tell I'm holding the camera |
When in doubt, just make a mean face |
At least you can't tell that I'm holding the camera |
Oh geez!!!!! |
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