The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. – E E
There are fourteen weekends until the end of this year. Two weekends are considered holidays, so
they will be “breaks”, leaving 12 weeks.
By the end of the year, I will have sorted out SILLY things that I have
accumulated over the years. Things I
just didn’t have time to part with, or didn’t want to part with at the time, or
I just put aside because I didn’t have the time to sort them. It’s time to let go and start a new life
without these SILLY things. Plus it will give me something to blog about on Saturdays!
First, I need a plan of action. Using the tried and true SMART format, let’s
see if I have a clear plan?
(SILLY) Simple Items that Lost Lovableness
over the Years – 12 week clear out program
Specific goal statement: By the end of 2012, I will have eliminated
(by donating, throwing, or selling) treasured SILLY items every Saturday.
Measureable: Yes, this will be captured and measured in a
couple of ways:
- Quantified
by: # of worthy items donated can be a
tax deduction. I will keep a log as well
as pictures. The feeling of relieving
our home of unneeded items will be another measurable. The garbage service comes regularly on
Tuesdays, there is a recycling center a mile away, and there is always Savers
to donate to. Lucky for me, we have a
travel buddy for the items who goes there regularly.
- Quantified
by the laugh factor: The items will have
had to make me laugh at why I kept them, or that they are really quite funny
looking, or they simply brought a smile to my face when I got them. Now they want to make me cry for all the
years they took up space.
- Quantified
by the “it” is a keeper factor: If I
answer no to any of these questions, out “IT” goes – Do I want it? Do I need it?
Do I love it? If I answer yes to
any of the questions, I need to have a home and a current use for the item. If I can’t find a home, then I have to re-ask
the questions to get to a yes, or out IT goes!
Yes, this is attainable, as it is only one day a week of sorting SILLY
things, so I believe this will be a great adventure. Who will be my support system? You, of course,
and my family. If no one shows up for
support, I’m pretty sure Copper will remain faithful through the project. It’s always important to have someone who
will help keep you held accountable.
They can encourage you and remind you of what it is that you are working
towards. Attainable needs to be a personal
commitment to the goal. I hope to share
some great sorting and organizing tips I’ve discovered along the way.
Relevant (Definition…closely connected or
appropriate to the matter at hand.). YES
– this is relevant. Why? At the end of this project, the SILLY things
I’ve hung onto over the years will be gone. They have been clutter that no longer has meaning to
me and serve no major function in our current life. I will be able to enjoy the uncluttered
feeling in my “Mom Cave” and other areas in the home. (I wonder if the family will pick up on the
energy of this project and work through their areas of the home needing the
same kind of attention?...hint, hint, hint).
Time Centered:
Yes, this is a 12 week program. Specific
Start Date 9/29/12, specific end date 12/29/12.
2 hours minimum each setting.
Current frames (I'm hoping they are the best ones yet!) |
Ready, - Yep, got a plan, now I have to pick a starting
Where do I start? Sudden…paralysis…there’s so many places to
start. Okay, the deal is they have to
make me laugh. Oh, yeah, I know the
right place to start. My old
glasses!! Embarrassing that I’ve kept
them all these years, and embarrassing to think I wore them. Yes, I did have a boyfriend in high school,
and yes, someone fell in love with me and married me. Let’s not even get started on my hair styles
over the years, but they aren’t in a drawer somewhere, the glasses are. Let’s just take a quick look down memory
lane. Then, no kidding, I totally have
to get started on this 12 week project.
Thanks for the laugh! Ya’ all
come back again next week for another adventure!
What a lovely collection |
The younger years - big plastic was in! |
Big metal frames, nice! |
Little metal frames, even sunglasses |
The beginning of the frameless looks |
Oh yeah, baby! |
Oh dear, these were still really big |
Small and can barely see them, is that like Ben Franklin? |
Yeah, these were cool! |
How about trying on more than one pair! |
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