Friday, December 21, 2012

Calendar predictions

Don’t be fooled by the calendar.  There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. – Charles Richards
Tip #19 - 4 Days until Christmas.  Good morning!  Here we are.  The world didn't end.  I didn't think that it would.  I often wonder what those people who do believe in the predictions like "the world will end on 12/21/12" think the day the event doesn't happen?  We're all still here, so how do they explain it?  Do they just look for the next prediction?  I just don't get it!

I'm not really excited about the blustery conditions this morning.  It's very cold.  Despite that, I can tell you that I'm thankful that we're all still here!  Another day to share the spirit of Christmas.  Another day to get more done.  Another day to say thank you to someone.  Another day to share hugs and "I love you's" with my family.  Another day to be thankful for all the blessings in this life.  Another day to go shopping for calendars for next year!  Another day to make use of!  Another day to spend time with friends!  Another day to get the rest of your Christmas prep done!

Enjoy your 12/21/12!  Oh and, be thankful for all the 2013 Calendars you have around.  Let me know if you need one - I received three in the mail from charities that knew better than to think the world was going to end!

Wow - Mr. Ed is making a comeback!  Guess PETA knew the
world wasn't going to end!

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