Friday, December 28, 2012

Change and new beginnings

I’ve learned that things change, people change, and it doesn’t mean you forget the past or try to cover it up.  It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories.  Letting go doesn’t mean giving up.  It means accepting that some things weren’t meant to be.  – Lisa Brooks
Ten years and 11 months ago I walked into a new job at a young company.  The energy I felt was overwhelming.  There was creativity, there was innovation, and there was an overwhelming positive outlook for all that could be for the future.  I am thankful for everything that I have learned through the years.  I'm thankful for all the people I met along the way.  I'm thankful for being part of serving the frail elderly, physically and developmentally disabled population in our community.  I know that I am a better person having been part of the growth of the company and the closing of the company.  I'm positive that the lessons we learn along live's path make us who we are and who we take forward in our new beginnings.

Today marks the last working day for the employees at the company.  It seems so surreal that it is really here.  The last day.  I'm sure there are some of us who keep wondering how could a company that rapidly grew end up closing?  With rapid growth, people learn that things constantly change and every change marks the end of something as well as a new beginning.  There's no escaping this lesson, I know I have to accept the fact that the company continuing on just wasn't meant to be.

Will I leave some of the lessons I learned behind? You bet!  Will I take some lessons forward?  You bet!  Will I be glad some things are gone?  You bet!  Will I miss the role I served as and people I worked with?  You bet!  One of the greatest lessons I learned is that people are resilient and they do persevere through difficult times.  The memories of this decade in my life are true treasures!  Will I take them forward?  You bet!   They hold a very special place in my heart!

Today, I wish all my co-workers a happy new beginning!  Thank you for all the great memories!

While it may seem dark and stormy today,
storms always blow over!  A new
beginning is just around the corner -
be ready for the new beginning!
I know I am ready!

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