Friday, January 11, 2013

On wasting time

If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality. – Benjamin Franklin
One of the things I'm finding the most difficult about being unemployed is the extreme abundance of time during the day to simply waste time.  I have a long to-do list and most definitely things to accomplish.  In fact I've knocked off over half of the list.  But now, I'm down to the BIG time consuming projects and they wear me out.  I'm going to keep track this afternoon to see how many times I find myself distracted on something. Nah...that's just another form of wasting time.  An experiment nonetheless, so we'll just see if I share the stats tomorrow or not!  I might be too embarrassed.

What are the big distractions???  Facebook, email, and now Sarah introduced me to a few of her YouTube favorites.  I can see YouTube all alone would be a prime example of what Benjamin could use to show what he meant in his definition above.  We enjoyed almost an hour of watching videos of people generously wasting their time to share random things, thoughts and videos of them doing it.  We laughed, we cried, and we had fun.  To top it off, companies pay these people to share their videos.  Wow...gotta love Al for creating the internet right?  Does he get a cut of YouTube money too??

Prodigality means - for those of you who didn't already get sidetracked and pop over to Google to find the definition -

  1. Extravagant wastefulness.
  2. Profuse generosity.
  3. Extreme abundance; lavishness.
So what did I do last night??  I found another opportunity to waste some time.  I finally captured a video of Tizzie doing her favorite trick.  She took awhile to do it, so it's longer than it normally takes.  I don't have video editing software, and the TV noise doesn't help.  Plus I didn't narrate like they do on YouTube.  I've got a long way to go before I would get paid for my videos.  YouTube...what a fun way to waste time though...I learned about Sloths last night.

What's your favorite way to waste time???  Tizzie doesn't consider this wasting time.  She practiced a lot and has mastered her technique.  Normally, she flies into the room, jumps on the chair, and quickly climbs to her seating position.  Her face is precious as she does it.  It's like every time is the first time for her.  She was a little camera shy last night, but she did check to make sure I was still filming a couple of times.  

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