Monday, February 18, 2013

Moments of nonsense

Forgive me my nonsense as I also forgive the nonsense of those who think they talk sense. – Robert Frost
It's Monday already.  This weekend really flew by.  I don't really have anything profound to say this morning.

So no sense in rambling a bunch of nonsense - just a simple wish for you to have a great Monday!  Enjoy looking around you for the the things that don't seem to make sense.  They'll make you think differently and you might just see something that makes sense after all!

Thanks for stopping by!

This is what happens when you don't have
flash on and you take a picture in the dark and move
too quickly.  I see a #4, how about you?

Why would you stay cuddled up with your
sister when she turns her blank at you??

Claiming this spot - she laid there all day!

Isn't that an interesting piece
of ice on the top of the light?

A lamp in the shadows

Why does Copper take his food out of
his bowl to eat?
Yep....just a bunch of nonsense!

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