Saturday, February 2, 2013

The vitality of friendship

Much of the vitality in a friendship lies in the honoring of differences, not simply in the enjoyment of similarities. – James Fredericks
If pets can do it, so can people!  Yesterday, while the sunshine was bright and warm, the frigid cold of the air outside kept me inside.  Two of our pets reminded me that you can make the best of the situation, especially when the sun is shining.  As I was preparing my lunch, I looked into our dining room and saw our pets soaking up the sunshine.  They couldn't be more different by breed, but together, they know what's the best spot to hang out on a cold afternoon.  That is what it is like when you have true friendships.  You might like Chinese food, they might like Italian, together you choose Mexican.  You might like mornings, they might like evenings, together you might gather in the afternoon.  Isn't it just the being together and the vitality of the moments shared that we as humans treasure?  The recognition of your differences and celebration of the similarities is what makes friendships work.

Today, I'm treasuring thoughts of my dear friends.  I'm thankful for them beyond words.  I'm wishing you a day of discovering your friend's differences and similarities and mostly the vitality the relationships bring to your life!  Thanks for stopping by!  Happy Saturday!

Who me?  Yes, I was laying next to the cat!
There's nothing like sharing some
sunshine with a dear friend!

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