Friday, June 21, 2013


Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’  Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’  Vanity asks the question, ‘Is it popular?’ But, conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’  And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because one’s conscience tells one that it is right. – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Can you imagine living at the time when Martin Luther King lived?  I bet it would have been interesting to watch him in his quest for doing what is right despite the odds.

As I sit here typing this morning, and my little dog is pacing around my feet because the storm is scaring him, I'm having a hard time deciding what the right thing to do is.  He's being a coward for sure.  There's no consoling him, especially when it is storming outside.  Is that what it is like for people at times?  Do we tend to focus on what our needs and our safety instead of the bigger picture?  Do we just start to panic or become selfish?  Probably, we've all operated that way at times.

For expediency, I should just pick him up.  I should hold him, but he wants to just sit and panic.  Would that be right to console him and reinforce his panic?  I'd probably be popular with him if I pick him up.  Or should I just remain calm and steady and do the right thing by not reinforcing his panic?  This storm shall pass.

Lucky for husband just got up and he's following him now.

Happy Friday!  Thanks for stopping by - I'm wishing you a great day!

Moving smiling from him!

Panting is his mode of operation this morning!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Busy randomness

One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself. – Lucille Ball
Holding true to my randomness - I've been away for quite a few days in a row.  I can't promise regularity right now.  With summer upon us and many things going on, finding the time to share thoughts in the blog format is minimal.  For several days, it has been frustrating me that I haven't carried on my commitment to blog daily.  I'm choosing to give myself permission to be more random, blog when I feel like it and keep on keeping on.  On the bright side, I'm sure there will be a day again where I can get back to a regular schedule.  Until then, random is the way to go!

Thanks for stopping by - enjoy your Thursday!

Too many rainy days in a row to get time out
in the sunshine!  My chair is calling me....

Enjoying all the creations from Sarah

So many unique designs

Way more creative than I was in my pottery
class.  Gotta love creative moments!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Penciled in moments

Map out your future, but do it in pencil.  Jon Bon Jovi
That sums up my week!  I've been extra busy, so haven't been around posting!  It's okay to give yourself permission to adjust to life's ups and downs!  If you can't be willing to adjust, life is just one big frustration!

Happy Friday - thanks for stopping by!  Enjoy the moments you've penciled in and out of life!

Sometimes it's hard to see the right direction,
especially when more than one thing
is moving in your life!
Enjoy the beauty of the variety!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Yesterday is finished

The only thing that has to be finished by next Tuesday is next Monday. – Jennifer Yane
Well, well, well...if life were that easy to just let each day roll by.  Every day it is important to say, "That's finished."  It helps you prepare for the next day, right?

It's Tuesday - I'm finished with yesterday - time to get on with today!  Thanks for stopping by!  Enjoy being finished with something and the moving on to the next!

Whatever storms happened yesterday, let them
go, be finished and move on!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Start right where you're at

Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. – Nido Qubein
How about you?  What do you think about determining where you can go?  How do you avoid the feeling of being trapped in your circumstances?  How do you remind yourself that it is only the start to something new?  It is more refreshing and motivating to remember that everyday is a chance to start again.  You learn from your past, but you don't have to hold onto it.  New beginnings are there if you take the chance to start right where you're at.  Whether is is learning something new?  Or starting that diet you've always promised you'd start.  Running a mile instead of walking.  Start...right now, today and enjoy where you go!

Happy Monday - Happy Sunshine!  Thanks for stopping by - enjoy the start to your day!

Regardless of the obstacles

The struggles and sharp edges

Bloom where you're planted

Persevere through the rough times and start
right where you're at.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Angles and curves

A figure with curves always offers a lot of interesting angles. – Wesley Ruggles
My favorite part of my camera discovery adventure is taking pictures from different angles and seeing how they turn out.  For so long in my journey, I took the pictures by holding the camera and pointing it directly at the object or down at it.  Often times, you can catch a good picture doing that.  More times than not, you'll capture something way more interesting if you try a different angle.  Now that I've been playing with different angles, it is way more fun to see what the camera captures by holding the camera up, down, below, beside, or all over the place.  Kind of like life, when you look at it from only one or two angles, you miss the opportunity to see something even better and more unique.

Happy Saturday - thanks for stopping by!  Enjoy seeing the different curves and angles of your day!

Straight on from above.  Boring...

From the side, not very well composed

Strange to have the tips from the other flowers
cut off at the top.

Close up.  What an interesting flower the
bleeding heart is.  The hummingbirds sure
enjoy them.  

A view of nature climbing as it grows, nothing
stopping it from growing.
This is my favorite view.