Sunday, October 6, 2013

A touch of creative anxiety

Anxiety is part of creativity, the need to get something out, the need to be rid of something or to get in touch with something within. – David Duchovny
This week's challenge - capture "touch" in my photos.  I thought last week's "smell" was difficult.  I'm starting to get some anxiety about my plan of choosing to capture senses in photos as a way to learn more about my camera.  But...that's the plan, so find a way.  When in doubt, "Google it" to find out the meaning of the word as a starting point.  That's my secret game plan when I'm not positive where to start.

Definition of touch:
Verb:  Come so close or come in contact with an object.
Noun:  An act of touching someone or something; or a small amount of something.

Well, the definition helps a little I guess.  So what did I find in my photos for the week?  Remember I'm just trying out different settings and different distances to see if I can notice a difference in how the camera works best.  I tried a bit of using the landscape setting.  I tried out a few pictures of using natural light and the no flash setting.  The no flash setting proved to be the most interesting as it changes the amount of light and the speed of the shutter.  I'm positive there are more technical ways to explain it.  I just noticed it requires a more steady hand to hold the camera as the pictures are blurry if there isn't enough light in the room to take the pictures.

What about you?  When you're anxious, do you get creative?  Do you whine about what needs to get out?  Do you search for a way to relax and take things in to get a better perspective?  Or do you just dump your thoughts and get in touch with what really matters most to you, and find a way to move forward?

Thanks for stopping by!  Enjoy the moments of anxious creativity in your life.  Next week's challenge - hearing.  Oh boy!

A touch of color to the sky

Touch of "ready to pounce"

If only the chair wasn't in
the way, they'd be "touching"

No flash setting and a large moving target = blurriness

Close up - touch of natural window light

Moved to the other side w/ the camera, with the light
behind it-
I think this is too bright.

Chewie touching his bedding and make a new
place to sleep.

All these pictures are making Copper 'anxious'!

No flash

With flash

Close breeze to the face - guess she doesn't like it!

Fond memories of a person's hugs I adored!
There's nothing more precious than human touch!

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