Sunday, January 19, 2014

So many ambitions, so little time, but is that so?

“Oh, it’s delightful to have ambitions.  I’m so glad I have such a lot. And there never seems to be any end to them – that’s the best of it.  Just as soon as you attain to one ambition you see another one glittering higher up still.  It does make life so interesting.” – L.M. Montgomery
Welcome back to 49 Weeks ‘til I’m 50 – Ready, Set, it’s all about A FOCUSed plan to get there!

We are in week 5 of 7 of looking at the “A’s” in A Future being 50.  Last week, we looked at Anticipation, this week we’ll look at Ambitions.  Ambitions by definition are the strong desires to do or achieve something (i.e., for me it is the strong desire to look forward to turning 50 in a positive way).  

Let’s take a closer look at ambition.  Is having ambition is a good thing or a bad thing?  Having lots of ambitions does create an interesting life, there’s always something to look forward to.  Like my plan for this adventure from 49 to 50.  I have something to look forward to each week as the journey unfolds.   My plan keeps my ambition level easier to maintain and complete going forward.  I have a FOCUSed plan so I stay on track.  By setting a topic and time limit each week, then I can accomplish lots of mini goals along the way.  Just like the quote above, seeing the next week’s topic glittering in the future keeps me looking forward. 

On the flip side, I wonder, can a person have so many ambitions that they become so scattered and it is tough for them to accomplish anything?  I don’t know for sure, but I’d say it is certainly a possibility.  I do believe what you set out to do, you can accomplish most of the time.  But what holds us back from doing so?  Does it have to do with the scattered thought process common to us as we age?   You know, do we become more scattered as we turn 50?  Is it just a natural consequence or is it because as we age we have to couple the scattered thinking with the level of responsibilities in life?  Maybe, it is that we have a limited time available in a day?

With so much running through our heads it can simply suck the ambition right out of us.  It can also contribute to burn out because we are trying to cram so much into our days.  In turn we are sacrificing something or someone along the way. Why is that?  What do we have to do to maintain balance and keep focused?

When I mentally add up all the time it will take to accomplish everything on my “ambition” list, I have to be realistic about how much time I can really devote to that list.  If I don’t, I know that I have the potential to give up too quickly.  I know that there are only 86,400 seconds in a day.  If every task I have on my list takes a minimum of 3600 seconds (1 hour) what can I truly accomplish?  

I want to make every one of those seconds count, who doesn’t?  But, let’s be realistic here.  The average person, working a full time job, getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep a night, exercising 30 minutes daily, eating healthy by sitting down enjoying and cooking something healthy, and maintaining some balance by giving yourself time winding up and winding down each day takes a substantial amount of time.  How does that breakdown in a 24 hour day?  Don't forget to to add in extra time for the “to/from each activity” time and the “set-up/clean-up” time to be realistic.  If you are doing it all on your own, without hiring or delegating some of the routine, what does that look like?

A healthy routine from my example above would take 28800 for sleeping, 30600 for working, 10800 for eating, 3600 for exercising, 3600 getting ready for the day, 1800 winding down from the day, leaving on a generous side 7200 to devote to an ambition list of goals.  7200 seconds = 2 hours every day…hmmm.  I didn’t take into consideration all the obstacles or time interruptions in my healthy day.  That could easily suck up those 7200 seconds if I don’t have a clear plan and schedule it into my day.  Is it a wonder why people don’t stick to their ambition list?  In order to be successful you have to plan it or incorporate it into those 86400 seconds per day.  But is that really the key?  

So here we are just 19 days into January 2014.  When I was in school, we were taught that it takes 21 days to solidify a new habit or to break an old one.  I have two days left to get it right!   I read this blog  The blog says only 8% of people achieve the resolutions that they set for the New Year.  Are those 8 %’s special in some way?  The studies out there determined what sets them apart.  I wonder if they have less "buts" in their lives?  You know the buts...but, I have to, but I want to, but someone called, but something came up, but...I want to be an 8% person instead, how about you?

I only have my own track record of when a goal has been set and met to know what works for me.   How about you?  Did you set an ambition list for the New Year?  How are you doing?  Were you realistic about the goals you set?  Did you calculate the time you need to accomplish them?  Did you plan them into your day?  Did you schedule them so you keep healthy balance in your life?  Were you realistic?  If you weren’t don’t give up, re figure and set a smaller more manageable goal.  Baby steps are always a great way to get moving in the right direction.  Remove some of those "buts" and make small changes over time, they can and do make a big difference.  Stay focused!  

Oh dear, I just looked at the clock…I have already used up my 7200 seconds (and then some) for my blog today.  I had bigger ambition than time.  As I look to my left next to my monitor, there’s this nasty little pile that keeps screaming in my head.  I must get to sorting it today.  Enough but talk about time and planning, I simply have to get to it.  I bet there’s something you should be doing now too, right? 

Thank you for stopping by to take a few minutes and share time with me.  Next week, we’ll look at our next A in A Future – Appreciation.  Now go get to your Ambition list…remember your plan and FOCUS to get there, you can do it, so can I!

PS – Photography moments of the week.  I continue on my quest to discover the Manual setting on my camera as well as framing pictures or items rather than the first “look” in the camera.  I didn’t schedule enough time into my week, but did have a few moments to give it a try.  

But it is snowing, I can't go outside...

But it is so pretty to look at...

Is this a better angle? 

So much snow, it even stuck
to the window...but now snow
removal will likely change plans

It's kinda cool to look at from a different perspective.

But the dog needs a path...Copper's hero...

9 inches of snow is not man's best friend, but at least he
can combine the removal of is as "exercise".

But that pile is starting to crab my attention...

There it is, how can I make
it fun, and manageable so I can
cross it off my ambition list?

Just DO IT!  Get off my but(s) and do it!

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