Sunday, January 5, 2014

Acceptance is way better than apathy

“Some people confuse acceptance with apathy, but there’s all the difference in the world.  Apathy fails to distinguish between what can and what cannot be helped; acceptance makes that distinction.  Apathy paralyzes the will-to-action; acceptance frees it by relieving it of impossible burdens” – Arthur Gordon

Welcome back to week 3 – the first “A” in “A” Future

First, let’s look back…how did you do last week?  Did you find FOCUS?  Did you look back and gather up all the great memories of your past and treasure the good ones and throw out the old?  Did you say goodbye to 2013 with gusto, or just let it roll in like every other year?  Have you accepted the future as something to look forward to?  Are you taking action and getting on with the New Year?

That brings us here to the moment of Acceptance.  There’s no turning back, we are (well, I am) going to be 50 this year.  I feel empowered because I am choosing to accept that fact and enjoy the adventure along the way. 

For a little while, I was approaching the change with great apathy.  After all, there is nothing I can do about the hands of time changing right?  But I can always change my approach to the change.  When I give up and choose apathy, I find that I’m truly depressed and simply sit there.  I don’t like the feeling of apathy.  It is scary to me, I don’t like who I am when I choose apathy.  Apathy is a great burden to bear.   

I’m taking some action.  Top 5 oaths (i.e., solemn promises regarding future action or behaviors) of Acceptance in my readiness for the big 50:

1.       I accept my body has and will continue to change.  (Oh yeah, there are aches and pains, sags and wrinkles, freckles and speckles, glitter and sparkle, rolls and puckers and so many opportunities to accept what I cannot change.  But there are things to discover about what I can slow down or modify in healthy ways.  I don’t have to just let those changes happen to me without a little fight right?)
2.       I accept my rules of the house will be tested and rewritten.  (I used to be able to say “no” or “don’t do that” to my kids and they listened to me.  That was when they were little.  Now, being young adults, they tend to have some pretty good arguments or personal convictions that lead to “I’ll do it my way now mom.”  Ouch…but I have to be open to listening to new ways of thinking otherwise I’ll look at their choices with apathy instead of acceptance and risk losing the opportunity to grow with them.  I know there must be moments that they wonder why the heck I’ve done some of the dorky things I do, yet, they still love me and support me.  I need to do that too.
3.       I accept my choices in fashion will be questionable.  (Out with the old, be selective for the new to compliment the old.  Some of my clothes no longer fit properly or are totally out of fashion for the current century.  Retro may be cool, but not necessarily for me.  I'm thinking bulky shoulder pads are for football players, not me!  Plus, with the changing body, I’ll need to brighten up the colors choices to complement the sparkles of grey in the hair.  We’ll be focusing one whole blog post on fashion in the coming weeks.)
4.       I accept I have wasted time and money in the past.  (As a body slows down due to all the physical changes, it is easy to waste time.  That is definitely not apathy, that’s a choice.  Make it a vow to take action to not waste time…that is unless you choose to do so.  I personally think that simply choosing a goofy romance novel and a glass of wine isn’t a complete waste of time once and a while.  My favorite is losing myself in the adventures of Stephanie Plum  On a serious note...I don’t know about you, but this time of year when we set the resolution to start to clear out clutter, the first thing I think of that stops me is, “I spent money on that, it is still worth something so I need to hang on to it.”  I argue with myself that I should just get rid of it.  Then that darn old apathy sets in and I put it back on the shelf.  I need to accept that I wasted money.  The item is sucking up my time by having to think about it.  I have to accept the fact that someone else can use it, so out it needs to go!  That will free up my time.). 
5.       I accept that what matters most needs more FOCUS.  (This is where the rubber hits the road.  Define what truly matters most to you.  Every time you make a decision, FOCUS on those key areas, and you will look forward to the future with acceptance instead of apathy).  

Thanks for stopping by!  Enjoy your moments of acceptance, avoid apathy, and look forward to the next “A” in the Future – Anticipation. 

PS – What did I learn this week in my acceptance of my adventure in photography skills?  I am no longer using apathy (i.e., the camera’s auto setting).  I’m still experimenting with the Manual setting and loving every moment of discovery.  I’m pretty sure it may be bordering on wasting some time though…

Top time waster...I took 30 + selfies - still none worthy of sharing!  I did it only to record the what did I look like at 49.

FroKnows photo challenge was to take a picture of your bedroom.  When I first read that, I was like, "What, that's crazy...why would I want to share my bedroom on the internet?"  But then, he said, zoom in on something.  I liked that idea better.  I still don't know if I'm brave enough to share it on his challenge website, but, it was fun to try and find something to zoom in on in my room and frame it differently.  Plus it helps me to continue learning the manual settings on the camera.

Major clutter clearing - this was
a true test of boy I wasted
a lot of money...there were many
items who had truly earned
their exit from the pantry.

4 garbage bags later, this pantry
is way more fun to go into
and way easier to find what
I'm looking for - definitely a time saver!

My big moment of apathy...I cannot change
broken glass.  Just imagine waking
abruptly from sleep by the crashing
sound of a photo frame hitting the floor
after an extra large cat knocked it off the shelf.

No worries...take a few pictures (well, I actually took
30 different angles, it was fun, but probably
a waste of time)

A pile of books, attempting
to make a sentence out of the titles,
sort of creative...?

Ah...I so wish we were somewhere with our
toes in the sand instead of the -27 below
temps we are about to experience.

There's always Copper..."Don't you take away
my toy!"

I'm ignoring you...

Time to relax...a book, a sunny window to sit in,
and a perfect glass of wine...nope, not a waste
of time!

The rule of glass of wine,
three chapters of the book.

There's always a sunset to catch, oops
the camera settings weren't had
nothing to do with the wine, really....

The beauty of the manual setting, you
can readjust and capture the colors!
I'm anticipating even more opportunities to
enjoy discovering my path to 50!  

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