Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A few sensible words

Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem, see one exquisite picture, and if possible, speak a few sensible words. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I recently read a fable in reference to our ability as humans to move on after a loss.  I liked the message, so I'll share it here as my "read one good poem, aka, one good fable".  A few sensible words in the message as well.

"There once were two monks, a young novice and an older monk, walking on their way through the countryside; they were observing vows of silence until sundown.  The monks came to a stream where a woman stood on the bank, helpless to get across.  Another vow of their order was never to touch or make any contact with women.  Yet, without hesitation, the older monk picked up the woman, carried her to the other side of the stream, set her down, bowed and continued on his way.  The novice was stunned.  He could hardly wait until sundown to ask his questions.  Finally, the sun set, and the words came rushing out of the young monk's mouth: "How could you do that?  How could you pick her up like that?"

The older monk replied, "I put her down on the other side.  You are still carrying her."

Words of advice - you can't put something down unless you pick it up, you can't move on from the past unless you've grieved for it.  It's okay to recognize, acknowledge and accept your past.  It's okay to move on from it too.

Happy Wednesday - Thanks for stopping by!  Enjoy your day ~ listen for the birds singing!

I'm ready to move on from the snow.  No regrets.
I'm thinking I need a better telephoto lense for my
camera.  In the tree to the far right is what
I saw as an exquisite photo op.  There were
9 Robins in the tree - celebrating the arrival of
Spring (that's what we're in now right??)

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