Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bubbles of purpose

Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary. – Cecil Beaton
Every year since our children were born, my husband and I chose not to share in the giving of gifts to each other at Christmas.  We chose to give to our kids and our families instead.  If we did give a gift to each other, it had to have a specific and safe purpose.  We didn't want to waste money on things we really didn't need.  It was better to buy the common place stuff, like staples, a mop, a car horn, towels, etc.

This year, however, while shopping on Black Friday I took a dare to buy something for him that he didn't need and didn't ask for.  With encouragement from my two partners in crime (Rachel & Sarah), I bought a crazy gift for my husband.  He needed something to put together like he did when he was a kid.  Something to keep him busy while we created the beautiful (ha, ha, ha) gingerbread house.  No playing it safe this year for me.

Sometimes it is okay to be daring and different.  Take a risk outside of your comfort zone.  There is something inviting about stepping out into the unknown.  If you approach it out of fear, you'll go right back to the play-it-safe mode.  When your life throws you the opportunity to do something totally different, go with it and dream.  Maybe it was the wee hours of the morning or delusional thinking when we were shopping, but we sure had fun dreaming about how much fun it would be when he opened up this gift on Christmas morning.  The risk paid off and he loves the gift!

Hopefully my husband doesn't think that his purpose in life is to no longer entertain the cats who adored him as their "bubble robot".  He is the master of the cat toys, that purpose remains!  Now the cats come running when he turns this little robot on!  He can watch them and enjoy the work of someone else for a change.  Gotta love creativity in motion.  Now I'll just have to catch it on video!

Some (lots) of assembly required.
It actually works though!!

The motor is really loud, but that didn't
scare Tizzie!

Not to say that my husband did
a poor job as the bubble robot...
but this little guy can really
kick out a lot of bubbles!

Isn't he adorable??
Impractical??  Nah!  Imaginative!

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