Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Courage to imagine something new

“The courage to imagine the otherwise is our greatest resource, adding color and suspense to all our life.” – Daniel Boorstin
When you are presented with the unknown for the future, what do you do?  Do you approach it with sadness?  Do you approach it with fear?  Do you approach it with excitement for the future?  Do you approach it with an imagination of what might be or will be?  Which approach helps you create your future?  Which approach holds you back from your future?

Imagine the colors and the suspense created in our lives when we have the courage to dream about new beginnings.  Sometimes a specific route is chosen for you?  Like a business closing and you now have to find a new job.  Sometimes there are only "blue prints" that can be used or modified as you go.  Like instructions in a Gingerbread House package.  You get to chose the outcome, you get to create the future house if you have the courage to take a risk and be okay with the outcome.  It's the approach and the imagination in each situation that makes the difference.

Today, imagine adding color and suspense to your approach to things!

Our first attempt (and probably not
something we'll try again) at a
Gingerbread house.  Our frosting
wasn't made correctly, so the
house didn't stay together, and the decorations
slid a bit.  But that didn't stop the fun!

Oops...a side of the house fell -
Looks like a garage!

Why not add wheels to the crash scene?
Let's just leave everything out and see how much dries to the
table.  The heck w/ instructions, lets
just have fun, create something new,
and enjoy the suspense in seeing
what decoration falls off next!

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