Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Give today some strength

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength." – Corrie ten Boom
 So how many times have you worried about something only to find out the next day that it didn't change the outcome, what you worried about didn't really happen, and what did happen was for the best after all?  Worry doesn't change anything.  I like the added point in the quote above.  If you spend the day worrying, you simply empty your day of the energy you could be putting into solving the problem or situation you are worrying about.  Worry adds layers of fogginess to the situation.  The moment you step back, re-evaluate the situation and think about three things - what can you control/change, what can you influence, or what can you accept, you'll be closer to less worry.  The fog always clears regardless of what you do.  Nature's fog clears, so does mental fogginess, especially if you clear your thoughts from the worry.

Enjoy the strength of today!

Nature's foggy morning - it was hard
for the camera to focus

The moon was still bright as the
sun was coming up

The fog is starting to clear - it was a
beautiful day, I just had to go to work
so I couldn't catch a fog free picture -
I have faith that it was bright and beautiful!

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