Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Knickers in a knot

Don’t get your knickers in a knot.  Nothing is solved and it just makes you walk funny. – Kathryn Carpenter
 There's something pleasing about hanging clothes out on the line to dry.  I like to hang them out early in the morning and let them hang there all day.  The fresh air dries them as well as gives them that cool "outside air" smell.  Have you ever had one of those beautiful days that started out calm and then by the time the day is over, the wind has blown in and twisted everything you've hung on the line.  Sometimes even to the point where the items are lying on the ground.   It seems like no matter how many clothespins you use, sometimes the wind just wins.  Ever have one of those days when you wake up and your thoughts are all in a knot like wind twisted clothes on the line?  You tend to think funny too!  Sometimes you need to take step back, regroup your thoughts and iron out the wrinkly thinking.  Thinking about life in a calmer, smoother fashion helps.  Or maybe you can be grateful that the wind has blown you in a new direction?  Enjoy the new view or opportunity to learn something new in your life.  Realizing nothing is solved by getting your thoughts all bunched up in knots is the first step in discovery!

Wishing you opportunities to iron our your wrinkly thinking or to enjoy the way the wind is blowing you today!

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