Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sun-kissed lighting

Shadows play an integral role in letting sunlight permeate the scene.  They provide a ‘setting’ that compliments the sun-kissed lights.  Often, shadows will have a golden tint, or even a rosy red color that conveys a unique atmospheric glow. – Jeanne Dobie
Happy Tuesday Photo Tips - Natural lighting is one of my favorites.  I love the shadows that play off of things, and how the objects look different depending upon how the light hits it or how the camera responds to the light.  The quote above really hits the points of how sunlight is a great addition for composing a photo.

Our cat Tizzie loves the sunlight.  Throughout the day, you can usually find her soaking up the sun somewhere in the house.  If there isn't any sunlight, she's either curled up in a blanket or she's sitting under a cabinet light so that she's warm and cozy.  This past weekend, I looked up and she looked so peaceful, I just had to grab the camera again.  My camera on zoom setting isn't as clear as when I just move closer to her, so I grabbed the chair and climbed up closer.  Normally she sees me and moves or tries to sniff the camera, but this time, she just kept on soaking up the sun turning from side to side.  That is until she gets bored of the project.  Another helpful tip in photography, is to wait, just a bit longer than you think to catch the right moment.  At the end of our little session, I was able to catch her yawning big.  I like how the sunlight caught her whiskers.

Sunlight, a cat, a chair, and 5 free minutes of fun.  Enjoy your Tuesday!

Here I had used the zoom, I like her
eyes in this one.  A little bit of
a rosy tint to the picture too.

I was too far away, gotta get closer
so I grabbed the chair

Lots of shadows, she was watching
to see if any birds were in the bushes,
pretending I wasn't there!

I like the golden tint to this one

Then she turned -
wow, now that's a yawn!

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