Saturday, October 27, 2012

Peace of mind from paper removal

When we…go back into the past and rake up all the troubles we’ve had, we end up reeling and staggering through life.  Stability and peace of mind come by living in the moment. – Pam Vredevelt
 SILLY Saturday week 4 - paper sorting continues

Ah...the removal of "unwanted, unneeded, no longer useful, taking up too much space and time papers" remains the mission again this week.  As I've said before, paper accumulates so fast it is hard to keep it under control.  One of the problems with paper sorting is that I feel compelled to look at each sheet to see if I want it or not before tossing it.  The memories of those long ago moments flash in front of me and I end up getting distracted.  Typical for a random thinker I guess (Yes, I'm rationalizing).  Today I came across my personality tests from pre-high school graduation.  Good ol' Myers Briggs tests, supposedly to predict what I should pursue for a career path.  I'm not going to say how long ago that was, but I did find it incredibly interesting how my scores have changed over the years.  I'm still shaking my head at the fact that way back when I was an Extrovert and my scores of the recent 10 years indicate I'm an Introvert.  Wonder what caused that change??  My youngest just took her test this past year.  At her senior conference the counselor stated the scores are a very good predictor for her future as it has remained steady since 8th grade.  Huh...wonder what her scores will be when she's my age?  Will she still be the same or will life give her many opportunities to change direction like mine has? is so easy to get sidetracked and off topic!

So, I'm needing a little more motivation versus less distraction. (BTW - I did just take a break and check out Facebook and the email that email message that just popped up).

Getting back on track - I re-read my goals and action steps for this 12 week project.  I grabbed another cup of coffee for energy.  Turned on the iheartradio for some music.  And...sidetracked again, I looked back at a big huge project going on three years ago that I did get through to get more motivation for the current project.  Sorting out my mom's lifetime worth of papers was a huge project that took months to accomplish.  At the tail end of the project right before we emptied the house, we had taken pictures. I saw something in the picture that reminded me that I've carried forward some of those things.  I need to remind myself of the silliness of keeping stuff from the past and smile that I've gotten through it before and can do it again.  I just have to get rid of because they are the past and not living in the moment.  My mom would chuckle at me for making her same mistakes.  She is now my motivation to live in the moment instead of the past.  (Guess the "Thinking" in me now needs to take over the "Feeling" of my past Myers Briggs results!)  I'm laughing at my Silliness of holding on to things!   Happy paper sorting!!

In the closet are two bins and on the shelf there is
the box of cards that I referenced before in this project.

Here's my closet now, the two bins are still there,
and the box of cards.
Oh dear...time to get to work!

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