A bargain is something you can't use at a price you can't resist. ~Franklin P. Jones
Silly Saturday project pausing due to shopping excursions! A new twist to shopping this year - Black Friday started at 8:00 pm on Thursday. I'm still trying to figure out if it was a good thing or not? It's a family tradition to head out for shopping on Black Friday. Since we started the tradition, each year it gets earlier and earlier. We headed out at 8:30 pm on Thursday (after a 1 hour nap). The sales at each store were staggered enough to get to all the places we wanted with time in between. We started out at Target. What a way to kick off the fun. The line was wrapped around the building in the freezing cold wind. Most shoppers, including us definitely dressed for inside the building, not outside. After the long line and shock to the system at Target, when we saw the line outside at Kohl's, we rerouted our shopping trip to the inside of the mall - quick learners, eh? Just the walk from the car to the mall was enough for us. There's nothing like some cold wind to wake a person up and get that adrenaline moving for shopping until you drop mode!
I personally enjoy being with my daughters the most out of the day. Next on the enjoyment list is the people watching part of the event. Overall, having spent 12 hours (8:30 pm to 8:30 am), most shoppers were very pleasant and very courteous. That was until...Scheel's. Scheel's is very precise in their schedule, they do not open the doors any sooner than 6:00 am. This year, one of us stayed outside the doors in the mall hallway to "hold" our spot in line while two of us continued shopping and the much needed restroom break(s). When we reconnected in front of Scheel's, the perception of cutting in line was not well received by a fellow line stander. I'm curious though, what is the difference between going to the movie, getting your seats, put out your coats on the chairs and then one person stays there to "hold" your spot versus someone holding your spot in line while two others continue shopping? To give the onlookers the benefit of the doubt, I guess if you didn't know that someone was holding your spot, it could look like you're "cutting in line". For most people, it would be human nature to say to yourself, "how rude" and then continue waiting, maybe stewing a bit, but you get over it. This particular person wouldn't let it go. Even after 6 minutes of straight, out loud, "they aren't even listening to me say how rude they are" comments. I just had to say something. Even after offering this lovely shopper my spot in line, the "grudge" didn't leave. Eventually, the person turned their back to us to get some more sympathy from other line holders. (Okay, I gotta let it go!) I'm guessing maybe sleep deprivation and or the thrill of the hunt for the best bargain gets the best of us no matter who we are.
All I know is...it is still a fun event with my kids, and this year, I'm extremely proud of them. They kept the rules of the Silly Saturday project - if you don't want it, don't need it, or don't love it, - DON'T BUY it! If you break the rules, the stuff only turns into clutter for you or for the person you're buying it for! The bargains are plentiful during this shopping weekend! Careful shopping is what it is all about.
Oh...it's Super Saturday (off we go again - hopefully well rested shoppers will be in the crowds today!)
When you shop in the dark...it's hard to remember what you've bought and why! |
Shop for only what you need, what you want, what you love - then it is truly a gift to treasure (a little daylight and sleep helps too)! |