Sunday, November 4, 2012

Our extra fluffy cat

Even overweight, cats instinctively know the cardinal rule:  when fat, arrange yourself in slim poses. – John Weitz
Yesterday Dessy, our cat with a lot of extra fluff, spent the day investigating things throughout the house.  The day gave me many opportunities to grab the camera.  Remembering back to when we first got them three years ago, they were so tiny and full of adventure.  They used to race around the house and chase each other.  They still do that now, but the duration is much shorter.  I think Dessy surprises herself and realizes that she can't fit into spots or leap like she did when she was little.  The days of walking the railings are long gone.  Her sense of balance appears to have been thrown off by the extra fluff.  When they were little we put bells on their collars so we knew where they were.  They still have the collars with tags on and if one of them is getting attention that makes the collar sound a certain kind of "cat having fun sound" then the other one soon appears.  Neither one would want to miss out on anything.  Dessy's favorite thing is to eat what Tizzie didn't.  Tizzie is a nibbler, Dessy is a consumer.  I'm pretty sure that's another reason for the extra fluff.  She would be a true bully if it weren't for the fact that Tizzie enjoys her playmate and tolerates all the bully moments.  Dessy likes to pose more for the camera then Tizzie.  Maybe that's because she likes to plop down frequently and doesn't move quite as fast.  I'm thankful for the moments we've captured of them over the years.

Life wouldn't be the same without these two!

They were so tiny - look at that neck on Dessy!

If there is a plastic bag anywhere in sight,
Dessy will climb in it to investigate.

Who has the best cat eyes here?  See
Tizzie peaking over the edge of the table?

Dessy guarding the bubble jar - Tizzie's favorite
activity is chasing bubbles.

 Dessy  is thinking where's my sister going...
time to chase her (you can see Tizzie's
eyes at the top of the stairs)

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