Saturday, September 22, 2012

A lesson on focusing outside of oneself

Forget yourself by becoming interested in others.  Every day do a good deed that will put a smile of joy on someone's face. - Dale Carnegie
Feeling a little sorry for myself earlier this week, I decided it was better to get out of that "poor me" attitude and focus elsewhere.  Time to take opportunities when they arise and make a commitment to not be so down in the dumps.  It's easy to feel sorry for yourself and stay in your "rut".  The "rut" becomes less desirable when you focus outside of yourself and see how other people enjoy their lives.  I'm sure they all have their moments too, who doesn't?  This week has been an adventure in discovering new things about other people.  I was able to share dinner with a couple of dear friends.  Their humorous wit, story telling ability, and different outlook on life was refreshing and hopeful.  For me, during "chatting" conversations, I absolutely love to just listen to people and absorb what they are saying.  Someday, maybe I'll be a great story teller too??

I was invited to Toastmasters by a dear friend.  I made the commitment to simply attend to see what it is all about.  Over the years, I have given plenty of speeches and presentations at work.  But at work, it's familiar topics for the people there, I know them, so it seems fairly easy to do.  I've given a few funny ones, probably because I'm not afraid to really embarrass myself.  I've even been able to get the whole group dancing to the "Black Eyed Peas".  Normally, my topics aren't very fun, and if I'm presenting after lunch, I have been known to put a few people to sleep.  So...maybe an adventure in learning how to really connect with people would be something beneficial.  After watching the humorous speeches (that was the theme for the night), I'm convinced I have quite the job ahead of me if I were to join.  I'm not sure if the presenters knew this, but their bravery, confidence and ability to connect with me because of those attributes did spark a little more interest in visiting again.  I wish I could have taken pictures, but that's not allowed.  I'm happy to say that my dear friend took first place that night - he did a great job!!

Now...wonder what good deed I can do today that will bring a smile of joy to someone's face!  If I tell my husband that we're going to sort a bunch of stuff to donate to Savers, do you think that will work?  Maybe something I donate will bring joy to someone.  How about you, what good deed will you try??

I'll just go on this picture -
He'll smile if I add yet another
project to his "to do list"

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