Saturday, September 8, 2012

A time for simple thoughts

"Simplicity, clarity, singleness: these are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy."— Richard Halloway 

Sometimes when life gets a little more complicated than I expected, I have to remind myself that it is time to simplify and just work through the essentials.  When my kids were very young, my dear friend shared her tip that at those moments it is okay to give yourself permission to "selectively neglect" those things that are really not deal breakers.  Take a nap when the kids are sleeping, the dishes will still be there when you wake up.  Spend time with the kids, this moment in life goes by too quickly not to.  I'll never regret taking those opportunities.  I've adopted that philosophy at work many times too.  So many emails fly by, and if I had to respond to every one, I would never get anything done.  The messages from so and so, about blah, blah, blah are quickly deleted.  When life gets a little crazy, it is okay to just step back and regroup and "selectively neglect" things that really don't matter.  I don't know about you, but I know I have to do that when I find myself realizing I need to do something, get up to do it and by the time I get to the final destination, I've completely forgotten what it was that I HAD to do!  Other than being frustrating, it can be a good laugh and a reminder that I really don't need that stair master after all.

Nature has a way of making what I would think as a complicated task and make it look simple. I think plants that grow in places where I would never plant a flower show a bit of tenacity that I find inspirational.  When they grow where I don't want them, they become easy targets for weeding and a sense of accomplishment when I look at the before and after of the location.  Other times, I just like to see how they grow and continue on in their quest of the complicated location.  Earlier this summer I was attempting the "close-up" function of my camera.  I mistakenly thought that when the little red box shows up on the screen, that's when the best picture should be taken.  I spent a month of oops...not right pictures.  I made so many attempts, wandering around aimlessly to get that awesome picture.  But, on second thought, if I think back, those trips around the yard were my therapy time.  Things in nature are simply enjoyable if you just take the time to see them.  I hope you find many moments of simplicity to enjoy!

Thought I was focusing on
the clover, instead focused
on the wood in the background.

On month later, learned the "green"
box indicates when the camera
is in focus.  I had made my camera
more complicated than it had to be.
My how that little clover continued to grow!

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