Sunday, January 27, 2013

Nonsense and dreams

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. – Dr. Seuss
It was a full moon last night.  I don't know about you, but I don't really sleep well when there is a full moon.  Last night I had a weird dream about this HUGE deer that came into our house.  He laid down on the floor in the middle of our family room and just stayed there.  He must have been about 900#'s.  I wanted to get a picture of it, but every camera that I found didn't have enough battery left or the battery was missing.  I spent so much time scrambling around to find a camera to take a picture instead of just sitting there and enjoying the moment.  I woke up before I could find a camera to capture the moment.

I'm not a dream psychologist, so here's my best guess.  Perhaps the size of the deer represented the HUGE pile of papers that I have gone through and gotten rid of.  The papers are finally loaded in the car ready to deliver to the shredding place.  I spent so much time over the past few years trying to keep track of so much stuff that I hadn't purged old records timely.  The papers were like this huge burden taking up space in my office.  I had to go through all of them rapidly to keep the momentum instead of getting stuck and just keeping them again.  Maybe not being able to find a camera was my brain's way of saying, it's okay to let go, don't worry about the papers anymore and just enjoy the moments as they come.  The moments are not in the papers.  The deer is alive and represents the changing moments in life.  If you've ever watched a deer, they come as quickly as they go, just like all the moments in life.  If you're not watching for them, you miss them.  If you're watching for them, you get to enjoy them.

My analysis is simply nonsense, but my brain cells are awakened to new thoughts about dealing with papers and not putting that task off for so long.  It's scary to think that a big deer is going to be sitting in our family room again!

Thanks for stopping by - enjoy your day - hope you find a little nonsense to think about too!

If you leave your papers laying around,
something HUGE will find their
way to lay around on them and keep them company.
I did have a battery and the camera ready
to catch this moment!

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