Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Smiles and laughter the perfect medicine

I live by this credo: Have a little laugh at life and look around you for happiness instead of sadness. Laughter has always brought me out of unhappy situations. Even in your darkest moment, you usually can find something to laugh about if you try hard enough. - Red Skelton
Day 3 - The Positive Dog Challenge - For today the author suggests you find at least enough humor in your activities to make you smile and laugh for at least 10 minutes.  Get the endorphins that make you feel good really going.  Look at the kids around you.  They laugh at everything.  Be thankful, be grateful, and be funny.  You will simply feel less stress.  Smile during your obstacles and challenges.  Yesterday, as I was reminding myself of how grateful I was for the opportunity to be working on my tax papers, I did feel less stress and remained positive throughout the day.  How about you? How did your day 2 go?

Let's see, what are some ways to smile and laugh more today?

Take a break and watch some kids.  Studies show that kids laugh up to 400 times per day.  That's a lot of opportunities to smile and laugh.

Okay, I know I made fun of YouTube a few days ago...but, remember, I also said we had fun watching videos and laughing.  It was the laughter that made it worth it.  I know I felt "better" afterwards.  Try searching YouTube for true facts about sloths and see what you get.

Watch an I Love Lucy show.  As a kid I loved watching the episode in the Candy Shop.  The crew sure could laugh at each other and with each other.

Share some laughs and jokes with your co-workers.  One of my favorite memories of the last group of employees that I had the opportunity to work with was the laughter.  The stories they shared and the way they could laugh at and with each other kept me smiling well into the day.

Be the first to smile at a stranger.  Be the first to smile when you greet your family today.  Be the first to smile at the driver next to you at the stop sign.  Practice those smiling muscles!

Enjoy the smiles and laughter during your day today!  Here are a few of my favorite smiling pictures -

It's so hard to get everyone to smile at the same
time - this one I love my dad's eyes -
he's genuinely smiling!  

Hugs and smiles - always
a great combination!

Who wouldn't smile - toilet paper is a great gift!

A legacy of laughter comes to
our family from two people who
still know how to laugh
and have fun!

I love this one - there were 3 cameras going and
not a single person is looking in the same direction.
You just have to laugh when you're trying
to capture group family pictures.

Oh yeah...we're having some fun now right?

These two always make me smile!
I love you girls!!

So what ya waiting for??
Go out and smile and laugh!!!

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