Thursday, January 31, 2013

Courage to stare it down

Courage is more exhilarating than fear and in the long run it is easier.  We do not have to become heroes overnight.  Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down. – Eleanor Roosevelt
One step at a time as you embark on any new path of discovery is a great way to approach things.  You can't do everything at once.  While you may think you can be the same as before, you never really are.  Wouldn't it be more fun to approach life as though every new obstacle or challenge is a new adventure of discovery?  It takes courage to take that first step.  In retrospect, think about every time you did take the courage to venture off in a new direction, it turned out didn't it?  It is never as hard or as dreadful as you thought it would be.

Getting back on the treadmill after an injury is scary when you don't want to get hurt again.  Getting back into a relationship with a new person, especially if you had a bad experience before, can be scary when you don't want to get hurt again.  Getting your resume ready after you lose a job can be scary.  Realizing all the things that you've learned along the way, not knowing if those skills will be used again or not.  It takes courage to take the next step and send it off that first time.  Getting back to work after being unemployment can be scary, starting over is never easy.  Getting to be a parent for the first time is scary.  Getting to be an empty nest parent can be scary.  So many moments in life can be either scary situations or opportunities, or both.

The strength to stare down the obstacles and opportunities in front of you is what is needed to get through.  Getting back on your feet and taking the steps needed is rewarding and exciting.  It might be tough as you go through it, but you're stronger each time you choose courage over fear.

Maybe you have nothing to fear today, maybe you do...I'm wishing you a day of discovering your strength to stare it down and discover your courage!  Thanks for stopping by - Happy Thursday!

You might have to duck a few bridges

Enjoy the view as you go ~
Maybe you'll be a little guarded as you start out

Discover new ways to look at things

Remember your friends and their support
along the way.

Enjoy the journey
with the courage to discover new roads!

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