Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Resolution to succeed

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. – Abraham Lincoln
Day 4 - The Positive Dog Challenge.  Before we head into today's challenge, just checking in...are you still smiling from the laughter of yesterday?  It was hard not to feel positive with a smile on my face.  I have a lot of moments of laughter to look back on.  A session with my hairdresser always brings laughter to my day.  Hang on to the smiles, hang on to the gratitude of day 2, hang on to the thankful thoughts of day 1 as we move on to day 4.

For today, our challenge is to celebrate the success of today.  Before you go to bed tonight, really think about your success from the day.  Maybe you had a great chat with a dear friend, maybe you finally finished a project you were working on, maybe you simply took that first step in a different direction.  Whatever you do today that you're proud you've done, that's what you'll celebrate before you go to bed.  The author states that by focusing on your success today, you'll look forward to focusing on more the next day.  If nothing else comes to mind, you can focus on the success of being positive for 4 days in a row!!!

Your own resolution to succeed is important!  Here's to wishing you a day of successes!

Here's Copper...waking up.

He's not quite sure about it though...
maybe he's still reflecting on the successful rabbit chase?
He's so darn cute - maybe this is the success for me
today, capturing a cute picture of Copper??  We'll see!

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