Aerodynamically the
bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it
goes on flying anyway. ~Mary Kay Ash
So today is my father-in-law's 75th birthday. I asked him a couple of weeks ago if he would take me flying on his birthday. He said sure. Since he loves to fly, why would he say otherwise right? We had lots of laughs. I screamed a lot when he let me fly the plane and when the air was less than smooth. He gave me lots of tips on how to land and suggested that I keep the right wing more level during flight. As we did our final landing, I thought he was taking over the landing and he thought I was. I guess I was after all. Pictures of the event tell the story way better than I could capture in words. Captions are an added bonus. He did say, "Well, this is a first for me." Mom watched the landing and when she saw us looking at the tail of the plane, she ventured outside to see what happened. I don't think she was too happy with us. Overall, I'm thankful that we arrived safe and sound. I'm hopeful he'll have good memories for this birthday and they outweigh the time it will take to repair the plane...(I love you Dad!!!)
A beautiful sunrise (or is it "red in the morning,
sailors take warning"?) Does that apply
to pilots too? |
Am I sure I want to take her flying today? |
Yes, we're committed to this flying lesson! |
Systems check, all looks well from the photographer's view |
Normal co-pilot looks ready |
Oh...technically, there's more buttons to get ready. |
The witness watching us taxi to the runway |
I'm thinking, is this Map Quest?? |
Runway looks clear |
One more picture of us smiling before takeoff! |
We're in the air - all is level |
So, how long have you been flying this plane?
"Since 1969" |
He looks like a real pro, so he asks do you want to try? |
Where are we? I don't know and he pulls out this map?
I thought that's what the map quest is for! |
Oh, we're over Klinger's market - isn't that a cute turkey
for their corn maze? |
We're heading into the sun, still smiling,
so he let's me fly for a while (can't
take any pictures for awhile) |
He's back to flying, my hands were sweating too much.
The lakes are a very pretty green! |
CAP practice landing strip (2 tries and it went pretty
well) |
Let's try landing at home...this is the tail wheel as we
taxi by it. Not a good landing! |
The spot where the wheel is supposed
to be attached to the plane. |
The tail wheel |
Oh, no, I'm taking your picture, this
was your landing failure! |
The men checking if everything is level w/o the wheel |
Normally, with a wheel putting the plane away is much
easier. |
Good thing there were two of them. Now, how in
the world can I make this up to him?
He says he'll take me flying again.... |
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