Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mystery Flower

"Just living is not enough ... 
One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
-  Hans Christian Anderson 

When I started the memory garden I bought a bag of "mixed glads" and some other bulbs.   Many bulbs didn't come up, so to fill the spot I just planted marigolds around the area.  They have really taken over the spot and are thriving well in the garden despite those nasty bugs.  I wrote all the bulb locations and names down on a piece of paper, but now can't find the piece of paper.  I'm sure the paper is here somewhere, I just can't find it right now.  The mixed glads have been blooming and providing several different colors which makes it enjoyable and something to look forward to throughout the weeks.  This week the second set of bulbs started blooming.

This new flower is interesting, but for some reason hard to capture well in pictures.   Is it because of the white?? Anyone know what this flower is?  

On a side note, it sure appears that I have taken a break from my "to do list" for my camera lessons.  I don't think these pictures can be used for my "close-up" picture.  Tomorrow is another day, or maybe, just maybe, there will be a new colored glad blooming that I can discover after work today.  Something to live for is a good thing!

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