Two-legged creatures we are supposed to love as we love ourselves. The four-legged, also, can come to seem pretty important. But six legs are too many from the human standpoint. ~Joseph W. Krutch
Here's to a little soapy water, take that you nasty bugs! |
I've always loved flowers. Each year I try to plant a few perennials. I added gladiolas. This year's placement of the glads might just have to be reconsidered. As they begin blooming, they are pretty, but the weight of the flowers as they continue opening up, seems to overcome and cause them to lean. They are still pretty if you change the camera angle. I love seeing what "mixed glads" I really have. The latest one to begin opening is a pretty pink. I was beginning to think all I was going to get were shades of purple. Needless to say, I've been enjoying my memory garden this summer. Well, to be honest, on second thought...there are a few little things that are really bugging me about the garden. Invasion of the Japanese Beetles. I'm guessing because the corn crop has been so compromised due to the lack of rain, they've decided my gorgeous crop of marigolds are the next best thing, but really....I could do without them.
I'm afraid their mating may be way ahead of the game. |
Hope Palmolive does the trick. |
They eat the flowers, and the leaves, then drop to the soil and lay eggs and continue to reproduce.
So I've devised this little trap, and read this morning that to stop them in their "tracks", shake them off into soapy water. That's the part I didn't know earlier this summer. The soap part. I had placed this bucket of water to attract them, since I thought what they were attracted to is the moisture, but apparently, they just like the luscious leaves and flowers. They've now attacked and created their own little environment and colony of self reproduction. After reading more, the only way to get rid of them is to get them at their grub stage in the ground. Oh great....that'll be interesting to dig up later this fall. Guess I'll just have to be happy with noticing a new color to the garden.
Glad for a little pink |
"Glad" for a little pink..hehehehe c: